Sunday, 6 January 2008

How Long Does TBI Recovery Take?

In this post, I described recovery not as a destination, but as a journey. However, that still leaves the question, how long will my journey take? When will I feel 100% of what I used to be? Well, how long is a piece of string? One answer to that last question is, all that matters is what you can do with it. Strangely, that answer fits equally well to the first two questions too.

All that seems important to me is what I am able to do right now. Can I reach the goals I set myself? Am I able to run my own business well? Am I able to have another go at an Ironman triathlon? It's true that my accident has meant some of my goals are different to what they were before. If they were the same, I might not be choosing which doors to kick down properly. Whatever my goals are now, however, they're the ones I'm trying my best to achieve. All that matters to the length of my string is what I can do with it!

Sometimes, it pays to reflect on things like where have I come from since my accident. I was lying in a bed in a coma almost 3 years ago, how am I doing now? Thinking about that can help keep my determination up. Fundamentally, what I reflect on, though, is definitely not am I 100% of what I used to be. It's things like how many doors have I kicked down since my accident. That's all the reflecting that seems important to me.

It might not be clear why this concept is important to me. If you're wondering that, take a read of this post, More On the Language I Use to Describe TBI Recovery.


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