Friday, 14 March 2008

The Face Game

One memory problem I have is word recall. I know I know the word, but just can't get it out. Often, there'll be a similar word or even just a description I can use to get my meaning across. However, there's one set of words I can't do that for, names! If I'm trying to say someone's name, there's no other word or description to use and any pause while I say it is simply embarrassing. I look like I don't know the name even when I do, but just can't manage to say it.

Eventually, I realised a way to work on my problem. Walking around town or some other crowded place, you often see people that look similar to people you know. As soon as I see such a person, I try to remember the name of the person they remind me of. So, what's the name of my friend with the moustache that looks like that guy's? What's the name of my old teacher who has a thoughtful face like that woman's?

I can even simulate pressure on myself by thinking, I've just run in to that person and I've got to remember their name now, now, now! Dealing with remembering under pressure seems to be a big part of my problem.

I'm not saying that every TBI recoverer needs to play the Face Game, just that, if you decide you need to work on one thing in particular, there may well be some child-like game that you can use to do it.


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