Saturday, 19 April 2008

Wanting to Leave Care

Related to acceptance of a TBI, many TBI recoverers want to leave care as soon as possible. Their desperation means that rehab centres have to keep the doors locked at all times. The desire to leave comes from the recoverer linking the effects of their TBI with their environment. They often believe that everything will be alright as soon as they get home. While that belief is understandable, it would be difficult to find anything less true for nearly all recoverers.

To help with the many and varied problems caused by a TBI, there is quite simply no substitute for thorough, professional care for a TBI recoverer. Leaving this care early will not make anything better; instead it will almost certainly make it more difficult to recover well. During my recovery, I remember the desperate desire to leave, but, in my case, it was somewhat limited by the fact that I couldn't walk! I needed the physiotherapists' help to relearn how to even get through the doors, first. I quickly saw that care was the best place for me to begin to come to grips with my various problems (only one of which was not being able to walk!).

Other recoverers have greater difficult dealing with the desire to leave. One recoverer at my rehab centre even went as far as to have conversations with his lawyer about his ability to leave. I only heard about this from him and so do not know how his conversations were received. I can only hope that the lawyer knew enough to attempt to discourage attempts to leave care.

I've written this post mainly to help family and friends decide what is best for their recoverer. Please keep in mind that, almost by definition, a TBI will mean a recoverer is initially confused and not thinking properly about what's best for them. In time, thinking will most likely improve, but, early on, friends and families may need to offer firm ideas about how best to help recoverers.


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