Saturday, 17 May 2008

Having Lists of Questions

While discussing one strategy to use when seeing medical specialists, Double Team 'Em, I alluded to another: Have a list of questions for what you want to find out. An appointment with a specialist might well be a long affair covering numerous, complicated points. Obviously, it'll be easier if people have a clear idea of what needs to be discussed.

Even for a healthy person, relying on memory when finding out answers to a series of questions is an arduous task! That's particularly so when something as important as one's health is on the line. Add to that, the memory problems that often come with brain injury and you've got a recipe for suddenly remembering what you meant to ask about ... after the appointment!

Why not take ten minutes beforehand to think through what it is that needs to be covered! Doing that can save a lot of hassle and worry about forgetting things.


1 comment:

Tracy W said...

Sounds like a job interview